Before I start this might become confusing, well here goes,
Customer as 4 blinds fitted, which means you have first DORS
possible 4 times one for each blind, so you might have a DORS
at time fit, (which is what DORS means anyway) but only
on 1 blind, this could be the first DORS for that blind
or it might go down as a component missing,
Which may leave a first DORS still open on all 4 blinds,
What I mean by open, is if something goes wrong in the guarantee
period and you have got to replace a blind or part of one, Hillary’s
still class that as a first DORS, as for multiple DORS when their
can’t make a product right first time, this will be queried by them
and of coarse it will become our fault, because there are never wrong,
and this may even become an agent’s error; I could go on, but I
think you might have already got the jist or is it I getting
it wrong, I do know one thing, you will be lucky to get a payment
With out an argument..